- 110.11 - English Language Arts and Reading, Kindergarten, Beginning with School Year 2009-2010
- K.21 - Listening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
- A - listen attentively by facing speakers and asking questions to clarify information.
- B - follow oral directions that involve a short related sequence of actions.
- 110.12 - English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 1, Beginning with School Year 2009-2010.
- 1.27 - Listening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
- A - listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information
- 110.13 - English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 2, Beginning with School Year 2009-2010.
- 2.28 - Listening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
- A - listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information
- 110.14 - English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 3, Beginning with School Year 2009-2010.
- 3.29 - Listening and Speaking/Listening. Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal and informal settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
- A - listen attentively to speakers, ask relevant questions, and make pertinent comments
- 117.4 - Theatre, Kindergarten.
- K.5 - Response/evaluation. The student responds to and evaluates theatre and theatrical performances.
- A - Begin to identify appropriate audience behavior.
- B - Respond to dramatic activities.
- D - Observe the performance of artists and identify theatrical vocations.
- 117.7 - Theatre, Grade 1.
- 1.2 - Creative expression/performance. The student interprets characters, using the voice and body expressively, and creates dramatizations.
- C - Dramatize limited-action stories.
- 1.5 - Response/evaluation. The student responds to and evaluates theatre and theatrical performances.
- A - Identify appropriate audience behavior.
- B - Respond to and begin to evaluate dramatic activities.
- D - Observe the performance of artists and identify theatrical vocations.
- 117.9 - Music, Grade 2.
- 2.6 - Response/evaluation. The student responds to and evaluates music and musical performance.
- B - Show appropriate audience behavior during live performances.
- 117.10 - Theatre, Grade 2.
- 2.2 - Creative expression/performance. The student interprets characters, using the voice and body expressively, and creates dramatizations.
- C - Create dramatizations of limited-action stories, using simple pantomime and puppetry.
- 2.5 - Response/evaluation. The student responds to and evaluates theatre and theatrical performances.
- B - React to and begin to evaluate dramatic activities.
- D - Observe the performance of artists and identify theatrical vocations.
- 117.12 - Music, Grade 3.
- 3.6 - Response/evaluation. The student responds to and evaluates music and musical performance.
- B - Exhibit audience etiquette during live performances.
- 117.13 - Theatre, Grade 3.
- 3.2 - Creative expression/performance. The student interprets characters, using the voice and body expressively, and creates dramatizations.
- D - Dramatize literary selections, using pantomime and imitative dialogue.
- 3.5 - Response/evaluation. The student responds to and evaluates theatre and theatrical performances.
- A - Evaluate and apply appropriate audience behavior consistently.
- B - Evaluate simple dramatic activities and performances.
- D - Observe the performance of amateur and professional artists and begin to compare vocations in theatre.
- 117.16 - Theatre, Grade 4.
- 4.3 - Creative expression/performance. The student applies design, directing, and theatre production concepts and skills.
- C - Plan brief dramatizations collaboratively.
- D - Interact cooperatively with others in brief dramatizations.
- 4.5 - Response/evaluation. The student responds to and evaluates theatre and theatrical performances.
- A - Identify and apply appropriate audience behavior at performances.
- D - Compare theatre artists and their contributions.
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